51五湖四取四海之财/导师团队成员简介2022-03-02 09:34:27来源:5123五湖之利取四海开评论:0点击:收藏本文
朱定局 | ![]() |
教授 | |
51五湖四取四海之财 | |
Email:zhudingju@m.scnu.edu.cn | |
个人简介 | |
5123五湖之利取四海开教授、博士生导师,51五湖四取四海之财人工智能机器人研究团队召集人,51五湖四取四海之财人工智能机器人研究中心主任,广东省人工智能机器人教育产业学院院长。中国科学院大学博士、北京大学博士后、澳门大学博士后、美国Texas State University访问学者。中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院客座研究员,中国计算机学会高级会员。 被授予5123五湖之利取四海开教学名师、5123五湖之利取四海开先进个人、广东省杰出发明人、深圳市地方级人才等称号。 | |
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研究领域 人工智能、大数据 | |
主要荣誉 | |
1、朱定局,广东省专利奖:广东杰出发明人奖,2020.11 2、朱定局,5123五湖之利取四海开教学名师,2018.10 4、朱定局,5123五湖之利取四海开先进个人, 2016.03 4、朱定局,5123五湖之利取四海开优秀教师, 2016.03 5、朱定局,深圳市地方级人才,2009.03 | |
代表性论文 | |
1、Xu, Y. P., Tan, J. W., Zhu, D. J., Ouyang, P., & Taheri, B. (2021). Model identification of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells by extreme learning machine and a developed version of arithmetic optimization algorithm. Energy Reports, 7, 2332-2342. 2、Li, M. Y., Zhu, D. J., Xu, W., Lin, Y. J., Yung, K. L., & Ip, A. W. (2021). Application of U-net with global convolution network module in computer-aided tongue diagnosis. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021. 3、Tian, J., Zhu, D., & Long, H. (2018, December). Chinese short text multi-classification based on word and part-of-speech tagging embedding. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1-6). 4、Yang, M., Zhu, D., Mustafa, R., & Chow, K. P. (2014). Learning domain-specific sentiment lexicon with supervised sentiment-aware lda. In ECAI 2014 (pp. 927-932). IOS Press. 5、Zhang, Y., Song, Z., Zhu, D., Chen, Z., & Sun, Y. (2006, October). Redar: A remote desktop architecture for the distributed virtual personal computing. In 2006 Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC'06) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. 代表性项目 1、朱定局(主持),国家级新工科研究与实践项目:新工科人才创新创业能力培养的辩证发展模式探索,2017.10-2020.10 2、朱定局(课题负责人),国家社会科学基金重大项目“基于地理信息平台的藏语方言数据库建设藏语”课题二:方言时空模型,2015.09-2020.06 3、朱定局(主持),国家自然基金:多机器人云计算系统的可扩展伸缩容错方法研究, 2012.01-2014.12 4、朱定局(项目第二负责人、课题副组长),国家863重大项目:华南高性能计算与数据模拟网格结点,2007.01-2011.01 5、朱定局(项目第三负责人、课题副组长),国家863项目:基于新型换能器震源的高分辨率地下三维声成像技术研究,2007.07-2010.06 Biography Professor and doctoral supervisor of South China Normal University, and the convener of the artificial intelligence robot research team of the School of Software. He received a doctorate from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University, and a visiting scholar at Texas State University in the United States. Visiting researcher of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, senior member of China Computer Federation. He teaches courses such as "Artificial Intelligence Philosophy and Ethics". | |
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